31 Days of Horror – Day 7: Stare

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This 2020 Japanese horror release was written and directed by Otsuichi, who is a writer of mostly horror short-stories, but has been dipping his toe into the movie world. “Stare” is his second directorial work after a break of 13 years. It is a folklore horror story with an evil curse

After his brother died of heart failure, but with an added side of his eyes bursting out of his skull, Haruo (Yu Inaba) seeks out Mizuki (Marie Iitoyo). Through his brother’s social media, Haruo found out that the same thing happened to Kana (Manami Enosawa), his brother’s colleague and Mizuki’s friend. In fact, Mizuki was there when Kana suddenly started to have an anxiety attack and a case of eye popping. Together, they seek out another work friend of Kana and Kazue: Eiko (Sawa Nimura). When they visit her at home, she seems to be clearly in shock, but still invites them in. Then she starts to retell an evening during a recent trip she and the other two took together. And the ghost story one of the people from that town told them. The story of a woman who follows a man on a street. The man asks the woman what she wants from him. She answers him that she does not want anyone to know her name. He tells her that he doesn’t know her name. She rebukes his answer and tells him that he does. In answer he demands to know her name. But Eiko doesnot say the name out loud while retelling the story. Instead she finishes the story by pointing at Mizuki and telling her she is next. She then leaves the room to prepare some tea, but after too much time passes, Haruo goes on to check on her. He finds her hanging from her bedroom ceiling. Together with Mizuki, they manage to save her, and while waiting for the ambulance, Eiko utters the words that sealed their fate: Shirai-san is coming. Soon Mizuki and Haruo start seeing ghostly visions. And when shortly after Eiko dies under the same circumstances as the others, they know that they are truly cursed. A run against time begins.

Fantasia 2019: 'Stare' Feels Like a Forgotten J-Horror Classic [Review] -  Modern Horrors
(c) “Stare”

“Stare” is slow-paced and very quiet. Only the occasional screams disrupt the almost serene atmosphere. It fits the main evil ‘Shirai-san’ perfectly. She herself is not a fast-running, teeth bearing monster. But surprisingly gentle and polite in her approach. With her hands always in a prayer gesture and only the soft sound of a bell and the flicker of a light announcing her visit, she openly tries her best to not disturb anybody. Dressed immaculately in a white kimono, and a grey overcoat, the nails perfectly manicured and the black hair shiny – she is ready for her showtime. She is also a huge tease. It took a couple of victims until we finally got to saw her beautifully terrifying face. And herein lies “Stare”‘s biggest strength: They didn’t give too much away. Neither of the face of the – well I am still not sure what ‘Shirai-san’ is, but let’s go with – demon nor with her background story or with what happened during that trip. We uncover it together with the protagonists during the movie. Her curse reminded me of the ‘Weeping Angels’ from “Doctor Who” or SCP 173: if you don’t look at them, they will move towards you until they finally kill you. This idea has always terrified me. Blinking is something you can’t avoid…But in “Stare” the cursed luckily get a bit more of leeway. With that being said, there is no ultimate way to break the curse. Though Mizuki does find a way to reduce the likelihood of a visit from ‘Shirai-san’ the moral indications of it makes them shy away from that option. In that way and that you will “become infected” by hearing ‘Shirai-san’s name, “Stare” reminded me of “Ring”. Just, that Sadako was a bit more energetic in her approach you could say.

For me, “Stare” was a solid folklore horror story with an original monster. In my mind she has joined the hollowed halls of the other demonic beings hunting the Japanese population. How would you survive a staring contest with a demon? Share your tips, tricks and thoughts in the comments below.

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