Live-Action Movie and Drama For Otome Game “Meiji Tokyo Renka” Announced

「明治東亰恋伽 ~ハヰカラデヱト~」ビジュアル (c)MAGES./LOVE&ART Illustration かる/Carawey/しまこ(バニラシュガースタジオ)
(c) MAGES./LOVE&ART Illustration Karu/ Carawey/ Shimako (Vanilla Sugar Studio)

Otome game “Meiji Tokyo Renka” was announced to receive the live-action drama and movie treatment. Otome games are dating games in which the player takes on the role of the protagonist. During the storyline, they then encounter different characters who are romanceable. The player can choose his own way throughout the game and different endings are unlockable. Otome games are marketed at different demographics.

In “Meiji Tokyo Renka” the protagonist is the young girl Mei Ayazuki, an ordinary high school girl. On an evening lit by a crimson full moon, she meets the self-proclaimed magician Charlie at a festival. Through his magic, Mei time-travels to Tokyo during the Meiji era. Here she meets and falls in love with various great historical figures such as Mori Ogai and Hishida Shunsou.

Honestly, I always find it confusing when Otome games are adapted. Are they just going to choose the most popular male character as the protagonist’s love interest? What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Natalie

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